1) A few ways that I've encouraged others to generate creative, resourceful solutions to problems is to simply ask them what they think the solution is. How are they supposed to learn if they don't try it out themselves first and THEN get outside help? For example, the other day Melissa asked me how far in advance she should advertise for Circle of Honor Awards and instead of going in search of the right answer I asked her what she thought.
Turns out Melissa had already asked around with the Brigham Award people and decided that she'll start in late October and have the due date be during January. I could have given her my answer but then I would have been completely side stepping her thoughts on what should be done. I suppose it wasn't really a problem but I feel like I helped her realize that this is her program, not mine, and that she has the freedom and responsibility to organize it. Of course, if she still needs help then I am more than willing to be there for her.
2) In my opinion, the most important behaviors in getting results with a project/problem are 1st, having integrity and honesty in all that you do. How anyone gets a head in this life with the expectancy to do so in the next while lying and cheating is beyond me. My best friend in high school was a master at manipulation. He would sneak his way into any and everything! I adored him because although he was a slime ball he would tell you as it was and wasn't afraid of hurting your feelings. In that way I can see how he does so well now but if he doesn't stop and re-evaluate how he completes tangible work then I just don't know where his life will take him. I wish he was honest in all his doings but I know that he isn't and it worries me because one of these days it's going to catch up to him and he'll be in a ton of trouble.
The 2nd most important behavior is to take initiative. At the first football game of this season my roommates and I were walking back to our apartment through the East parking lot of the stadium and these two dumb girls were on a scooter just sitting there. The one said to the other, "arrhh all these people! How are we going to get out?" and the other said, "just run them over or we won't!" I kinda said the same thing to them as we were passing, "girl, you gotta be assertive! If you would just go all the people would move." And its true! You don't get anywhere in life if you just sit on your rear and wait for other people to make room for you. The world just doesn't work that way. If you don't take the initiative to get something done then it won't. Who better to do the job than you, right?
My 3rd most important problem solving behavior (there are really just too many to pick but i'll only do three) is in building relationships. I love love LOVE talking and working with people, it's why I stay in BYU/SA honestly. If this were a job that had me sitting behind a desk with no interaction other than a talking computer I would go CrAzY!!! I often think of Hitler (I know, its a strange person to think of) when I think about relationships because he had many followers who were scared of him rather than trusted him. I didn't live back then but I imagine that even if someone disagreed in the slightest of his leadership technique they would be killed. Who would want to discuss their questions with a boss like that and quite possibly be fired, literally? I fell like the best way to help someone with their job is to understand them and the only way to understand them is to have a relationship with them and "know their heart". If you can be friends with those you work with it's a million times easier to resolve conflict and prevent it.
3) My largest personal strength (from past 360 evaluations) is inspiring and motivating others to high performance. This is good because in my current leadership position I need to be good at this! haha Student Honor's role is to inspire and educate others on the Honor Code so it'd be a good thing for the VP to have those skills. I really enjoy building relationships with people too because I feel like that is what keeps people coming back for more. Why would anyone want to volunteer in a boring/intimidating environment?? I can tell you they wouldn't and they don't. I treat everyone I know the same; we're all people and deserve respect so I give it to them. I treat my sisters the same way I do my professors. I speak to the boys I like the same way I do to my girl friends. There's just one mode of KariElle and this is me! I love everyone and try to lift them in any way I can. I do lead by example and that's the only sure way I know how to lead my team.
PS: I don't talk to the boys that I really, really like the same as everyone else but I'm not mean to anyone haha
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