Sunday, March 6, 2011

February 7th, 2011 Brother Ron Jones

Brother Jones gave an experience where he was recommended for a job based on his ability to follow through on assignments and be responsible. I can learn from his example by following the same pattern of leadership. I should start this behavior by being a tad more pro-active about my blog assignments! At least I'm getting them in now instead of never doing them though... OK, back to the task at hand --> To make sure I am considered someone who is reliable in completing projects I can make sure to only bite off what I can chew. Although it's not a huge issue, I see it more and more as I grow up that people say they will do something only to realize that they don't have enough time or they've double booked themselves! Of course, this usually happens within the week that the said project is due... I want to be someone that others can count on and I need to start by making sure I have time to do what I'll say I'll do. Empty promises are lame.

I want to be a counselor at a high school when I grow up and graduate from college (if that day ever happens...) and I need to prepare myself for the non-mormon community that I will most likely put myself in. Today at church we talked about how important it is that we befriend others before we go all missionary on them. Like Ron, I can be a good example for our church by being nice, friendly and welcoming to everyone. It's important to "remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (DC 18:10) despite their religious beliefs.

The concept of involving others is incredible to me. Through Honor Week we were able to see just how involved people could be with a simple invitation to participate. God loves each of us and has given us particular talents to improve ourselves and lives of others. How could I not let them showcase their gifts? Like Ron and his ability to include all sorts of people to make his event of the Festival of the American West successful I too can invite as many people as possible to help where they can. Who knows if my invitation will be the one to change their life?

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