Monday, April 4, 2011

Mayor Winder 3/21/11

  1. Mayor Winder talked about the challenge of balancing career and church assignments with the need to be involved in serving in your community and government. Describe how you will go about including community and government service in your life.
I think it's way important to be involved! knowing what's going on in your community helps
you to be aware of changes to make and stuff to be cautious of. I would hate to move into a neighborhood where there was a huge gang but if I payed attention to the community business I would hope to never fall into that situation. At the same time I want to include my neighbors and basically I plan on having block parties and game night! We do it at BYU all the time, why not do it not at BYU too?

  1. In Mayor Winders research on the history of church leaders interactions with Presidents of the Untied States, one conclusion that has been apparent is the importance of good people serving in and around government. Identify ways that you can have that type of positive influence in both your community and nationally. Please include various ways in which you see yourself being able to lead.
Like I said before, I want to have people over a lot. This will do a few things: 1) help us make new friends, 2) provide a safe environment for other people's children to play, 3) be an example of the Saints! I can be that mom who all the kids like and have children that other moms can be proud of their kids' for playing with. =D I'm way excited to be the coolest soccer mom in the neighborhood by being a good mother, wife and most important to the community being a good friend.
  1. As you evaluate your experience this year in a leadership role, describe what motivated you to make the commitment you have made in your year of service with BYUSA.
I wanted to be part of a good cause and participate in creating something that is bigger than myself. I love to help people and through the VP position I had the opportunity to help hundreds of people at a time! How perfect, right? Well, as the year has gone on I've realized that while I do enjoy all of the things I mentioned above, I enjoy loving people. I love to love! BYUSA allows me to love people without judgement and with a purpose. I guess you could say that's what motivates me.

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